When should one let go?


Why do we cling to someone or something for so long, even when it brings significant pain? A wise man once observed that clinging to someone or something that causes pain is akin to holding a cup while hot tea is being poured into it. We hold on until the cup overflows with boiling tea, scalding us; we endure until the pain becomes unbearable, forcing us to release our grip. But what of a stubborn heart that refuses to relinquish its hold? "You must learn to adapt, switching hands to carry the hot cup until the tea cools to a drinkable temperature. Only then can you savor the tea, realizing that even in the most challenging times or situations, if you can adapt and view things from a different angle, you might just overcome the 'pain.'"


This lesson is particularly relevant to relationships. Often, we are so absorbed in our own pain or troubles that we overlook the need to inquire whether our partner is bearing too much. If my left hand grows too warm from holding the cup, perhaps I should shift my focus and use my right hand for a while. It's a common human error to concentrate solely on ourselves without asking our partner or friend, "How are you managing?"

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