Sometimes it seems like everyone is only out for themselves. It seems like no one really cares for the next person because well why should they? While there are many many benefits to approaching life as tho no one owes anything it does seem like we should be able to expect SOMETHING?!


What I’ve learned is that the only expectation we should have is of ourselves but that doesn’t mean others shouldn’t expect from us. “What are you talking about? How can we not expect from others but they should expect from us?” The only thing we can expect from another person is for them to be who they say they are through word and action, then, we can choose how we will deal with them accordingly

Desire comes with the weight of being able to sustain what you desire. When there is a particular aim or goal that one desires, there is a burden to finish what one has started. That is why visionaries need the commitment to see their plans through. Everything sounds so simple when stated so plainly but nothing could be further from the truth.


Faith in ourselves and our plans and our ability to make good decisions is crucial. But not just faith in ourselves, faith in the partners we choose and faith that those who would partake in our vision will receive it as it was meant to be received. Faith that everything will work out in our favor regardless of which way life takes us.

The other component that we need is fortitude. Life is hard. It will whip us up and down and through us here and here. There is no controlling life no matter how much we try. We can place controls and systems in place to guard ourselves as much as possible but in the end we have no say in most parts of life’s circumstances. What we do with those circumstances is a different story. The number one thing we need to get in our minds is not giving up. Life is hard and there is no way around difficulty or struggle but there is a way through it. Just keep pushing with no regard to the pain and misery or sadness and difficulty. 

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