We're ALL only human. Created equally beautiful with many flaws to showcase. But the human mind is never satisfied with what we have in the moment. Constantly searching for more. More beauty, more love, more laughter, more success, more money, more friends, more houses…always more. As a matter of fact, I was speaking with a friend just the other day; our eyes are designed and laid in our eye sockets in a way that allows us to see the beauty outside and only when looking at our reflections do we see the beauty that stares back at us. How often do you look at your reflection and admire the beauty in front of you? How perfectly designed you are? Sure, we can always find flaws. Lose a few more pounds, get some botox to rid the wrinkles, trim our hair, put on some makeup, dress a little better… the list is endless. Be still for a moment and look. Look so intensely you see the years it took to build who you are. You’ve survived so much, fighting all odds and won at conception. Survived pregnancy. Birth. Infancy. Childhood and grew into the beautiful sculpture that you are.

Not to mention, the odds are in your favor. There are still others suffering in countries without enough to eat, clean water to drink, and even more living amidst wars in their country. Trust me, they have no time to worry about imperfections. They’re just happy to wake up each sunrise. So instead of searching for more, look at what you do have, love every part of you. Embrace it. Showcase it. Man and woman alike, we each have scars and imperfections we wish to hide. My stretch marks and the pounds unable to shed from pregnancy. The wrinkles that creased his eyes with every year he worked hard to provide for his family. It's so beautiful and carries with it a story. Once shared, it's the evidence of love.

As humans, if we don’t have love, we have nothing. Love is beautiful. Inherently abundant in all of us. Therefore, my friends, embrace your flaws because they tell a story of love and life. You're beautiful. Be happy in this moment. “A second ago is gone, this moment is quickly fading as the next second is fast becoming.”

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